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Why you should travel light - The Travel Expert Why you should travel light
Travel Tips June 15, 2019

Why you should travel light

Over the years, I have refined my packing technique so that I can travel light. In general, I take a small 4-wheeled carry on suitcase and a backpack with me. The suitcase holds my clothes while the backpack holds my electronics such as my camera and tablet.

Travel light in Amsterdam
Traveling light in Amsterdam

I choose to travel light primarily so that I can take all my stuff with me on the plane. This way, the airline has no chance of losing my luggage or damaging it. Upon arrival at my destination, I don’t have to wait for my luggage to arrive at baggage claim. I can head straight out out the plane to my chosen means of transportation. I generally place the suitcase in the overhead storage and the bag at my feet.

Traveling light also helps me keep track of all my stuff: I only have to look after a small suitcase and a backpack. If I accidentally forget either one (as has happened at least once in the last 4 years), I quickly realize it as I feel as if something is missing. Having this set number of pieces of luggage also makes it easy for me to find things when I am traveling as I usually keep things in the same place. For instance, my flip flops are always in the outside front pocket of my suitcase, and I don’t zip up that pocket until the flip flops are safely tucked away.

When I took my trip around the world in 2015-2016, I used this same formula of traveling light. That trip lasted 3.5 months, so there’s no reason for me to pack more for shorter trips. I always take a pair of jeans with me, as they are acceptable in most cultures, and several t-shirts. I usually pack one dressy outfit, just in case I get a chance to party on my trip. Everything else is optional. 

Until next time, live young and travel!

About the author

Dr Q: I am a traveler not a tourist. I have visited all 7 continents and over 60 countries.